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Step-by-Step Make-up Tips for Mature Skin

It's no surprise that as we get older, our faces and skin textures change, meaning how we apply our make-up and the products we use can also change. The good news is that you can achieve a more youthful and flattering look without the need for surgery!

Choosing the most suitable products for your skin is the first step and will truly make-up a huge difference. Whilst you may want to 'paper over' the cracks and lines, all that will do is draw attention to them more. Think about more youthful skin. Is it flat or is it glowing? Does the light bounce off of the face and does the skin look healthy? Absolutely and that is why choosing the right products will make all the difference.

Step 1

Avoid foundations as they are far too heavy on the skin. Go for a tinted moisturiser instead. You will get a good even skin tone without accentuating any lines. Anything that makes you look radiant and gives you a healthy glow is really flattering. I always recommend Sheer Tint by Dermalogica to my clients as it is a beautifully light product which really lifts the skin.

Step 2

Avoid loose or pressed powder as this will mattify your skin, making it appear dull and can sit in lines emphasising them. To combat shiny areas, I would either apply a small amount of primer on that area underneath your base or apply a very very light dusting of pressed powder just on that area. Always brush away any excess powder afterwards.

Step 3

Step away from the Touche Eclait! A lot of women tend to go either very dark or very light under their eyes and they think this product will rectify it. Not so I'm afraid. If applied correctly, this product can be great at lightening the inner eye, but I find a lot of women use it as a concealer and drag it all the way under their eyes, which makes the area seem really white due to the light reflective qualities. Instead, apply a light and liquid concealer just where you need it. If you have dark areas, lighten those areas only. If you have white areas, bring the whiteness down with the concealer. Avoid anything heavy as it will sit in any creases and lines. If you want to cover liver spots, try Vichy Dermablend.

Step 4

Add some colour and shape to your eyebrows. If they are grey or white in colour, this will instantly age you. Apply a natural and soft colour (eye shadow or brow shadows work really well) and lightly fill in the shape, avoiding anything shimmery and any hard lines. Brush through afterwards with a clear mascara to keep them in place.

Step 5

Define your eyes! As you get older, you need to wear a bit more make-up on your eyes. Don't be scared though as it can still look natural and modern. I think a bit of shimmer on the eyelids lifts the whole area but don't go too shimmery. Darker shades including browns, mauves and greys, are very good for adding definition to the eye but you want to keep it soft so blend those edges!

Step 6

Apply eyeliner to your top lashline with a kohl liner. Get as close to the lashes as you can and then lightly blend with a brush or cotton bud to soften it. This will add definition to your lashes and make them appear fuller. A small amount underneath works well too, but keep it in the outer corner and blend it to keep it soft.

Step 7

Curl those eyelashes if they don't naturally curl. It will instantly open up your eyes. Apply a black mascara to the top and bottom lashes, again this will open up your eyes and really define them.

Step 8

Use a cream blusher instead of powder for your cheeks. This will give your skin a wonderful healthy glow and gives you a fresh and modern look. Powders can be quite ageing and flat on the face. If you need to add a bit more colour into your face, try lightly dusting a sheer bronzer on the areas you need it but keep it minimal.

Step 9

Line your lips with a natural lip liner but blend the edges to keep it soft. This will give more shape to your lips without over defining them. Apply a soft and hydrating tinted lip balm or stick to keep it looking fresh and natural. Avoid any dramatic colours that can date your make-up!

Step 10

Take a step back and reassess your make-up. Do you need a bit more? It's always best to build it up slowly than cake it on. Give your new youthful and fresh looking face a big smile!


If you would like a one-to-one lesson with me or you would like me to go make-up shopping with you, email

07771 858410

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Wadhurst, United Kingdom

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